Mahogany, African, FC

SanFoot African Mahogany FC

Specie Details

Common Names

African Mahogany

Scientific Name

Khaya spp. (Khaya anthotheca, K. grandifoliola, K. ivorensis, K. senegalensis)


Grain is straight to interlocked, with a medium to coarse texture. Good natural luster with a light-reflecting optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy. (See video below.)


Heartwood color is variable, ranging from a very pale pink to a deeper reddish brown, sometimes with streaks of medium to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. Quartersawn surfaces can also exhibit a ribbon-stripe appearance.

Notes of Interest

Comprised of a handful of species from the Khaya genus, all of which are native to Africa. Sometimes lacks the deeper reddish brown color and durability that is common for true mahogany in the Swietenia genus. Botanically, Khaya is a part of the Meliaceæ family, which not only includes mahoganies, but also Sapele (Entandrophragma cylindricum), and a host of other commercial species. Considered to be a valid substitute for Honduran Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), otherwise known as “Genuine Mahogany.”

Specie Data

  • Distribution:West tropical Africa
  • Tree Size:100-130 ft (30-40 m) tall, 3-5 ft (1-1.5 m) trunk diameter
  • Janka Hardness:910 lbf (4,040 N)
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